Goal setting is the process of setting objectives and aiming to complete them, however just the
act of writing down goals doesn’t necessarily mean making them happen.
Goals can range from professional, personal or even health goals, and can be stepping stones
to a happier and more fulfilled life, however the way we set and plan for them can make a
difference in achieving them.
A SMART tool is a well established tool to help you set goals and achieve them.
SMART acronym stands for:
S - Specific - It is the What, Why, Who, Where, Which.
● What do I want to accomplish?
● Why is this goal important?
● Who is involved?
● Where is it located?
● Which resources or limits are involved?
M- Measurable - This is how we measure our progress and success. This will keep you
motivated and with your eyes set on achieving the goal, with small or big successes on the way.
A - Achievable - Your goal needs to be attainable and realistic. It should motivate you as you
draw closer to success. If you need to acquire new skills or habits it is here where you ask
yourself the steps necessary to move forward.
R - Relevant - Is the goal relevant to your ability, skills, time and resources? Questions like
these should be answered:
● Does this seem worthwhile?
● Is this the right time?
● Does this match our other efforts/needs?
● Am I the right person to reach this goal?
T - Time - Every goal needs a deadline. Ask yourself:
● When?
● What can I do six months from now?
● What can I do six weeks from now?
● What can I do today?
There are many other ways to make goals a reality; telling someone about our goals helps
increase the chance of sticking to them. Also, breaking down the goal into small attainable
pieces, will increase our chances of success and we must not forget to celebrate small victories
can keep us motivated and on track.