As many of us we continue to spend more and more time at home and with a less rigid routine and structure to our day we may find that our meal times and diet might be suffering. After speaking with some of our newer clients recently a number of them gave feedback that they had some concerns over their current eating habits. While we try to manage our diets perhaps we need to be less obsessed with calorie counting and more cognizant of what our body is telling us.

So what does it mean to start “intuitive eating?” Essentially it's about trusting your body and the signals it’s sending, understanding them and responding accordingly. Follow our tips below for ways in which to get started;

  • Eat when you are hungry! Depriving ourselves isn’t necessarily the best way of managing our diet but noticing when we are full and when we are satisfied can have a big impact. Don’t feel tied to socially constructed meal times either. Your metabolism doesn’t necessarily follow that schedule….let your hunger dictate the right time to eat and observe closely when you have reached fullness. Pausing in the middle of a meal and letting yourself digest can be a helpful way to tune in to this.

  • Don’t punish yourself. We can all succumb to cravings and overindulgences sometimes but one slip up will not have a huge impact on your ongoing progress. Consistency over time is what matters here so just forgive yourself and enjoy the treat then move on. 

  • Try to let go of the guilt around food or certain food items. Releasing ourselves of emotional connection to food can be easier said than done but if we are kinder to ourselves in regard to our relationship with food we can start to control our eating patterns better. It allows us the power to understand what really needs focusing on. Is it real hunger? Or a need to address some other feelings such as anxiety, loneliness or boredom? Either way, there is no use in punishing ourselves after eating. As we mentioned before - just try to get back on track as soon as possible and try to understand the connection between that meal and your feelings - physical and emotional.

  • Give your body the dignity it deserves. We are all unique and so subscribing to unrealistic body-beauty standards is a waste of time and can have a harmful effect on our self esteem. Instead, respect the skin you are in and concentrate on finding the right balance for you. The human body is super smart! It will tell us what it needs - we just need to pay attention. 

If you and your team would like to understand more about how to practise intuitive eating and other theories around healthy eating then contact us today to book one of our seminars, cooking demos, nutritional assessments or food challenges! 

Email - Tel: 1300 141 473


