International Men’s Health Week is 26 years old today. Now recognised across the globe, it aims to raise awareness and highlight men’s mental, physical and emotional health in our workplaces and communities. 

Statistics and research shows that right from the start, boys suffer more illness, more accidents and die earlier than their female counterparts. They are also four times more likely to take their own lives than women. Suffering from depression and turning to substance abuse and most of all - being less likely to seek professional help are all factors that contribute to these concerning statistics. So what can we do to help? At Complete Corporate Wellness we are committed to offering solutions that encourage a wellness culture within the workplace, one that we can all help to implement and benefit from;

  • Asking For Help: Encourage the men and boys in your life to feel comfortable in asking for help. There is no shame in seeking support when our mental health is suffering. Especially in the workplace where men have been shown to suffer from high levels of stress, anxiety, and depression. It’s important to have access to regular mental health awareness seminars and discussions or facilities to consult with a health practitioner

  • Diet is extremely important in supporting our overall well being. The leading cause of death in men over the past three years has been coronary heart disease. One way in which we can try to maintain heart health is through our nutritional intake and understanding which foods to choose such as fish high in omega 3 oils, nuts, dark leafy greens and berries. 

  • Regular exercise of course helps us to feel physically strong but is also great in supporting our mental health. Exercise releases chemicals like endorphins and serotonin that improve your mood whilst pumping blood to your brain that can help enhance memory and focus. It can also be especially beneficial for men’s health in helping to increase testosterone levels as they age and lower blood pressure.

If you would be interested in learning how Complete Corporate Wellness can help support the men in your team and build a wellness culture and programme in the workplace for everyone, then get in touch today.

From Broga, to Men’s health & nutrition advice, webinars, online health assessments & telehealth consults, we have a number of services to choose from!

For further information please email or call 1300 141 473 


