It’s that time of year here in Australia where Winter has truly kicked in. The weather has turned colder and the days have gotten shorter. That with lack of sunshine and warmth can sometimes leave us feeling a little less energised than usual. It might be harder than ever to get motivated to go outside and go for that morning run in the rain! It is however important to try and maintain daily movement and it’s also really important to look at the food choices we are making when it comes to managing our energy levels. Here’s a quick look at some dietary tips that can help us fight the fatigue;

  • Swap out - A sugary snack for a piece of fruit. Processed sugar is more of a sedative. Although it will give you a kick and stimulate the feeling of being awake, this will only be momentary. Remember, the more processed sugar you eat, actually, the sleepier you will feel.

  • Manage your sleep - Sleep deprivation can lead to bad food choices. When we don't sleep enough we can crave foods that have a high caloric and sugar intake because they provide us with a quick source of energy that isn't long lasting.  Ensuring you can aim for 7 to 8 hours of sleep and veering away from technology before bed can not only help with better energy in general, but also eating foods that are healthier and provide more sustained energy levels .

  • Be consistent - Trying to eat at scheduled times every day can ensure your digestive system isn't overworking at times because if this is the case, this can lead to bloating, indigestion and fatigue.

  • Eat balanced meals  - Ensuring you have an adequate amount of Vegetables, Carbohydrates and Proteins on your plate means you are fuller for longer and more energised.

  • Drink Water - Thirst can sometimes be mistaken for hunger. Thirst occurs when your body needs water. When you do not drink enough water, your body receives mixed signals on hunger. Dehydration causes you to believe you need to eat when you really need liquid intake so stay hydrated!

Don’t forget - when you need a bit of a boost on the go, grabbing a healthy snack such as almonds, chia or pumpkin seeds, oatmeal or roasted chickpeas can keep your energy levels stable and provide a nutritious and delicious treat!

Should you wish to speak to us to book any of health seminars or webinars surrounding this topic or about our health and wellness programs to support you during these times do not hesitate to call us on 1300 141 473 or email


